
Disneyland, 2019
Disneyland, Galaxy’s Edge, 2020

Stephen is an experienced software engineer and solution architect with 20+ years of experience, including a decade of technical and management consulting. His primary domains of expertise is in commodities trading and financial services, spending much of his career around building trading and risk management applications for Fortune 100 companies.

His current focus centers on Red Hat’s OpenShift Container Platform, the leading hybrid cloud Kubernetes application platform. As an application services specialist, he develops and delivers technically focused content, such as workshops and presentations, to customers in an effort to help their teams adopt the new technologies and delivery methodologies.

Stephen is a huge advocate for the DevOps culture, with an emphasis on automation of the entire delivery pipeline. He has served in roles ranging from individual technical contributor to managing seven figure budgeted, multi-year projects for clients.



2023-05-12 Houston Azure Users Group – Azure Red Hat OpenShift

In this video, I review Red Hat OpenShift as a product and discuss the managed service offering on Microsoft Azure cloud.


2023-03-29 Houston Java Users Group – Change Data Capture with Debezium and Kafka

In this video, I talk about change data capture, the Debezium project, Kafka and Kafka Streams. Very in-depth discussion on stream joining.


2022-03-17 Red Hat Microservices Day 2022 – Consuming Crypto Market Data Feeds for Fun and Profit

I talk about trading in general, market data feeds and get deep on application architecture supporting real time data feeds.


2021-06-30 Houston Java Users Group – Quarkus World Tour – REST API from the Ground Up

I talk about Quarkus and building REST APIs.


Older Stuff

Houston Techfest 2014 – https://usergroup.tv/videos/category/speaker/stephen-nimmo

Favorite Quotes

It won’t change overnight, but it will change over time.

Make each change so small, it’s not worth doing.